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So my caffeine addiction is sadly extreme. I am hooked on the Monster energy drinks which are too much sugar and more caffeine then a cup of coffee.

My struggle to give up caffeine will be hard; my mother is hooked on it just as much as I if not more. I know in my very first post I said I’d cut caffeine out completely, but now that I look at what I’m truly facing I think I’ll cut it down to allowing myself ONE cup of coffee a week or something like that (hopefully). It’s going to be hard because I am prone to getting serve migraines without caffeine, which is why I want to cut down my caffeine intake.

Monster depending on where you get it from ranges in price. They are usually $2 and some odd cents, so for safe purposes I rounded up to $3 for the cost of ONE Monster. Within a year for my addiction alone just on monster we spend over $1,000.

That to me means if I cut out Monster energy drinks I could spend that $1,000 somewhere else, or more or less my mom can spend it somewhere else. I think this part of getting ready for next year will be the hardest thing for me.

I will be surrounded by caffeine and yet I’m limiting myself. It’ll be hard to control my mouth from not saying, “Can we go to the store to get a Monster?” As I am typing this, I have a 2/3 full Monster to last me all day today. This Monster will be my last ever Monster, if I slip up, I will deny myself coffee for however many days of caffeine I had taken in. According to psychologytoday.com coffee can range from 40-60mg for a regular cup of coffee to the hundreds for specialty brewed things at Starbucks (yum) but in a Monster energy drink there are 320mg caffeine in one 16oz. so that’s a lot of days, if I slip without caffeine.

I hope that once I finally lower my caffeine intake, hopefully I will be more hydrated, and have more of my energy and not have that energy drink crash. Hopefully, I’ll be able to just be me and feel a lot better about myself and the energy I have and that it’s not borrowed from something else. 

Who knows maybe by me doing this I can get my mom to do the same! (Highly doubt it)

I will leave this post as my last 320mg caffeine intake hopefully ever. Wish me luck, well if anyone is reading this, wish me luck. Headaches ad irritability here I come!

